ChatGPT New Features

ChatGPT is a computer program created by OpenAI that you can interact with through text. It’s designed to have conversations with people, provide information, or assist with tasks. Think of it like having a chat with a helpful friend, but in this case, your friend is a computer. In this article, I will teach you how to access and use the new features recently released by OpenAI.

People use ChatGPT for various purposes. For instance, you can ask it questions, get explanations on different topics, or seek advice. It’s also used for tasks like drafting text, generating ideas, or even just as a creative writing companion.

The latest features in ChatGPT, such as file upload and multimodal support, add more capabilities. With file upload, you can send documents to ChatGPT, and it can help you understand or work with the content. Multimodal support means it can understand not only text but also images, which expands its usefulness.

ChatGPT Latest Features: September 2023

File Upload 

The new feature, File Upload in ChatGPT, allows you to directly send files, such as documents or data, into the chat interface. This file is then processed by the AI. Unlike the old version, where you had to manually copy and paste information, this feature makes data sharing and analysis more efficient.

One significant advantage of this new feature is the time and effort it saves. It eliminates the need for you to tediously extract and input data from documents into the chat. This can be particularly useful for professionals, researchers, and students who need to work with data.

The File Upload new feature in ChatGPT improves user convenience and productivity by making it easier to interact with the AI tool, making it a valuable addition for those who rely on AI for data-related tasks.

Multimodal Support

The new feature, Multimodal Support in ChatGPT, is a valuable addition that enables you to include both text and images in your interactions with ChatGPT. This update enhances the tool’s power to understand and respond to a combination of text and images.

This feature offers several benefits. First, it allows users to convey information more effectively. For example, if you’re describing a specific object or scene, you can now provide a textual description along with an image, leading to clearer and more accurate communication.

Moreover, it makes ChatGPT’s responses more contextually relevant. When you share an image in conjunction with a text query, ChatGPT can better comprehend the context and deliver more precise responses. This feature is especially helpful for visual content-related queries, where words alone may not suffice.

This is great as the new feature, Multimodal Support, improves the overall user experience by enabling richer, more context-aware interactions. It bridges the gap between text and visual information, making communication with ChatGPT more suitable for a wider range of tasks and queries.

How to Use ChatGPT’s New Features

Accessing and using the new File Upload feature in ChatGPT is easy. However, make sure you subscribe to the paid plan, which is $20 per month. To use this feature, follow these simple steps:

File Upload:

1. Visit the ChatGPT platform where you normally engage with the AI, or click here: Go to the settings and enable “Beta Features.”

ChatGPT Beta Features

2. If you’re not already logged in, log into your ChatGPT account.

3. Begin a conversation with ChatGPT as you usually would.

4. During your conversation, when you want to upload a file, simply type a message that mentions your intention to upload a file. For example, you can say, “I’d like to upload a file for analysis.”

ChatGPT New File Upload Feature

5. ChatGPT will then provide you with an option to select the file you wish to upload. Click or tap on the provided option, and you’ll be able to browse your device to choose the file you want to upload.

ChatGPT New File Upload Feature

6. After you’ve selected the file, ChatGPT will need a little time to process and analyse it. The time required may vary based on the file’s size and complexity.

7. Once the file is processed, ChatGPT will offer insights, answer questions, or create data visualisations based on the content of the file. You can interact with the AI to explore and understand the data.

If you have more questions or need further assistance related to the uploaded file, simply continue the conversation as usual.

Multimodal Support:

The latest Multimodal support feature in ChatGPT is designed to enhance your interactions with AI in several ways. Here’s how to use this feature:

1. Visit the ChatGPT platform and log into your account.

2. Initiate a conversation with ChatGPT, just as you usually do.

3. When you want to include various types of media in your conversation, you can do so by either sharing a text message or uploading an image directly into the chat.

4. If you choose to upload an image, simply click or tap on the provided option to select and upload your image file. ChatGPT will then consider the visual content in its responses.

5. For a multimodal conversation, you can blend text and images. For example, you can describe a scene in text and upload a related image for better context.

6. ChatGPT will respond, taking both the text and image inputs into account and providing more contextually relevant answers and explanations.

In summary, the introduction of file upload and Multimodal Support in ChatGPT marks a significant advancement in how you can use ChaGPT. File uploading makes the process of adding external data and content to conversations easier, offering a more efficient and convenient way to work with information. Multimodal Support, on the other hand, enhances the conversational experience by allowing both text and image inputs, making interactions more wide, engaging, and informative.

We continuously update this page whenever a new feature is released by OpenAI. Make sure to check again for the latest feature and version updates.