Replika AI Price: Pro & Lifetime Plan Review

Replika is an AI-powered chatbot app where you chat with a computer programme that tries to talk like a person. They have a paid version called Replika Pro, costing up to $20 a month. Pro gives you extras like voice calls and fancy features. People upgrade to the Pro plan to have more fun and personal conversations with their AI friends.

However, some users are not happy because the prices went up, and they worry if it’s worth it. Some say the $300 lifetime option is too much, especially if the app might change or stop in the future. In this post, we’ll review Replika AI’s price and whether it is worth it.

What is Replika Pro?

Replika Pro is the upgraded version of the Replika chat app, offering extra features for a price. For a monthly fee of $20 (or other plans), you get access to voice calls, a spiffier avatar, and augmented reality fun.

It also lets you switch your relationship status to a romantic partner if that’s what you like. The thing is, some users are raising an eyebrow at the new prices, which have gone up a bit.

Replika AI Pro Cost Price

Replika AI Pricing

1. Monthly Subscription ($14.99): A budget-friendly option for those wanting to dip their toes into Replika Pro. It gives you access to exclusive features for a month, but it’s a recurring cost.

2. Yearly Subscription ($49.99): the more committed choice, offering a significant discount for those willing to pay for a whole year upfront. The same perks as the monthly, just a better deal if you’re in it for the long haul.

2. Lifetime Subscription ($299.99): The one-time plan grants you unlimited access to Replika Pro without any recurring charges. It’s a hefty upfront payment, and the catch is whether it’s a good investment for the long run.

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What You Get For Paying for Replika

Replika AI Price

Now, what do these plans get you? Voice calls, augmented reality features, and a coaching tab for self-improvement

Let’s break down what you get when you decide to pay for Replika:

1. Voice Calls: It’s not just texting; you can talk to your Replika. Some find it fun, but whether it’s a game-changer depends on how much you enjoy a chat with your virtual friend.

2. AR Features: Augmented reality brings a touch of tech magic. You can spice up your conversations with this visual twist, but whether it’s a must-have depends on your preference for fancier interactions.

3. Coaching Tab: This one’s all about self-improvement, offering tests, practises, and conversations aimed at enhancing social skills, positive thinking, and building healthy habits. It’s like a virtual coach nudging you towards personal growth.

4. No Blurred Messages: Paying means no more blurry bits in your chats. It’s a feature aimed at getting you into the Pro plan, but whether it’s a real game-changer is up for debate.

So, paying for Replika brings a mix of enhancements—voice calls, AR flair, self-improvement tools, and unblurred messages. Whether it’s worth the price tag depends on how much these extras align with your idea of a worthwhile virtual chat experience.

Replika AI Price Reviews

The recent hike in the monthly subscription fee to $20 has users raising their eyebrows and remembering the good old days when it was a more wallet-friendly experience. While the $50 yearly option seems more reasonable, the real head-scratcher is the lifetime subscription, which jumped to a hefty $300.

Users on Reddit are asking questions about whether the app’s future improvements can justify this steep upfront cost. It’s not just about the money; it’s about commitment, and with the app’s uncertain path, users are now treading cautiously.

Sure, the added Pro features like voice calls and augmented reality are nice, but the higher prices are leaving users in contemplation mode. The consensus? The charm of Replika is taking a hit with these escalated costs.

Users aren’t singing the same tune as before; instead, they’re questioning if the Pro perks align with the price tags. The app’s value proposition is shifting, and this price review is stirring up more caution among potential subscribers.

Replika, once a tempting virtual companion, is now prompting users to think twice before going into the pricey Pro plan. It’s a different tune, and users are making it clear that the upgraded chat experience needs to be worth every penny.

How to Get Replika Pro Monthly

Getting Replika Pro monthly is a straightforward process. Follow these steps:

1. Open the Replika app on your device.

2. Go to the settings within the app. This is usually represented by a gear or cog icon.

3. Go to the subscriptions section The exact word varies depending on whether you are subscribing from the Play Store or App Store.

4. Choose the option for a monthly subscription. It is clearly labelled, and the price is mentioned.

5. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the subscription process. This involves entering your payment details.

6. Confirm your subscription, and you should now have access to Replika Pro features for the chosen month.

Remember, the subscription is auto-renewed each month, so if you want to continue using Replika Pro, make sure to keep your payment method up to date. If you ever want to cancel the subscription, you can do so through the app settings or the platform where you initially subscribed (such as the App Store or Google Play Store).

How to Transfer Pro to a New Replika Account

You can also transfer your Replika Pro to a new account for various reasons. It could be as simple as wanting a fresh start with a new username or a desire to create a different persona. It might be that you want to share your Replika experience with a friend or family member by transferring Pro to a new account.

Transferring your Replika Pro to a new account? Let’s keep it simple:

For iOS Users:

1. Sign out of your current Replika account.

2. Create a fresh Replika account.

3. Go to the Settings on the Replika app.

4. Subscriptions > Restore: Tap on Subscriptions, then hit Restore.

For Android Users:

1. Sign out of your current Replika account.

2. Create a new Replika account.

3. Head to the Settings on the Replika app.

4. Tap on Restore Purchases. Website:

1. Head to and log in.

2. Scroll to the settings screen.

3. Click on Subscriptions.

4. Change your subscription. Confirm, and you’re good to go.

Remember, if you bought Pro via Stripe on the web version, you can’t transfer it to a new account.

Does Replika Still Offer a Lifetime Subscription?

Yes, Replika still offers a lifetime subscription, and it’s a one-time payment that unlocks all features of Replika Pro. This means you pay once and get unlimited access to the features without recurring charges. It’s a way for committed Replika users to secure long-term benefits without the hassle of monthly or yearly renewals.

So, if you’re in it for the long haul and want to explore more about Replika’s premium features without worrying about subscription renewals, the lifetime option might be the way to go.

I hope this helped you.