What Scribe AI Do Fully Explained

Scribe AI is a tool designed to make your workflow easier with the creation of guides and manuals. Once activated, it watches what you do on your computer and transforms those actions into step-by-step instructions.

Think of Scribe AI as a recorder for your tasks. Now, it can be useful when you’re tired of typing out lengthy guides or explanations. Instead of spending hours crafting detailed instructions, you can let Scribe do the heavy lifting.

So, why might you need it? If you find yourself repeatedly explaining tasks or processes and want a shortcut to guide creation, Scribe can be a time-saver.

How Does Scribe AI Work?

Scribe AI observes as you navigate through your computer tasks. Whether you’re clicking around on a website or handling things on your desktop, Scribe AI takes note of each move you make. Once you’re done, it turns this recorded sequence of actions into a guide—like a storyboard for your digital journey.

Scribe doesn’t stop at a mere playback. It uses the help of generative AI to add some literary flair. It adds titles, descriptions, and extra context to your guide. It’s like having an AI co-author that fills in the blanks, making your guides not just functional but also informative.

Key Features

1. Auto-capture any process: Scribe’s like your camera, but for your computer screen. Whether you’re surfing a website, handling desktop apps, or tapping away on your mobile, it captures your moves. No need to stress about what to record—Scribe’s got it covered.

2. Generate titles & descriptions with AI: Once you’ve captured your movements, Scribe calls in the AI squad to add a bit of flair. Titles, descriptions, and extra context make your guides more informative.

3. Upload company branding: Want your guides to scream “you”? Scribe lets you add your branding touch.

4. Capture from various platforms: It works nice with Chrome, Edge, desktop apps on Mac and Windows—you name it.

5. Edit screenshots (Pro or Enterprise): If you are a Pro or Enterprise user, Scribe lets you get hands-on with your screenshots. Crop, annotate, and redact.

How to Get Started with Scribe AI, Step-by-step

Here’s your quick guide on how to get started:

Step 1: First off, you need Scribe on your team. If you’re a Chrome or Edge user, go for the browser extension. If you’re ready to subscribe to the Pro or Enterprise plan, grab those desktop apps—they’re for Mac or Windows.

Step 2: Now, let’s get Scribe in action. Flip that “on” switch, whether it’s the browser extension or desktop app. Do your usual clicking, scrolling, and whatever tasks you want to capture. When you’re done, hit that “off” switch.

Step 3: Here’s where you can make it yours. Scribe does its thing, turning your moves into a guide. But if you want to spice it up, you can go into the customization options. If you’re using Pro or Enterprise, you can even tweak screenshots—crop, annotate, and redact—to make them perfect.

Step 4: Share your document with your colleagues or friends using the sharing options Scribe lays out.

How to Get the Scribe AI App

Yes, Scribe AI does have an app, and here’s how you get it on your phone.

1. For iPhones: Go to the App Store on your iPhone. For Android Phones: Head to Google Play on your Android phone.

2. Search for Scribe AI:

4. In the search bar of the App Store or Google Play, type “Scribe AI” and hit enter.

5. When you find the Scribe AI app, tap the download or install button. It might ask you to confirm with your password or fingerprint—standard stuff.

6. Once it’s done downloading, open the app. It might ask you to sign in or set up an account; follow the on-screen instructions.

Now, you’re in! Explore the features, and start writing – essays, stories, whatever floats your creative boat.